CAINE, you are absolutely 100% spot-on.
What annoys me most about this is the number of people who do not know the facts and take the easy option of saying "one side's as bad as the other".
Fact - 7 Celtic fans were murdered by Rangers fans after old firm games (plus one after a Celtic-Thistle game) between 1995-2002, including cup finals won by Rangers.
Celtic do have fans that can resort to violence, but it is clear far more Rangers fans display violence and far more frequently. Attacks by Protestants on Catholics in Scotland are 9 times more frequent than the other way around.
And we all know the sick, disgusting things Rangers fans seem obsessed with and even sing about - FAMINE, PAEDOPHILIA (and it's victims) AND THE MURDER OF CATHOLICS.
People go on about Celtic fans glorifying republican paramilitaries who kill innocent people. I do think songs and chants like these should not be sung at games because politics should be kept away from stadia as much as possible and it can embarrass the club by giving people ammo to have a go at the club who don't really understand (or don't want to understand) what these songs are really about.
When songs such as "The Boys of the Old Brigade" are song (very rare at Celtic games nowadays), the I.R.A. referred to are the Irish volunteer fighters who fought a war of independence against Britain in an attempt to escape centuries of oppression, murder, confiscation of land, etc, etc. Ultimately, the British, for centuries, had forced their culture, laws and religion upon the Irish people, as well as stealing their land and colonising it with the Plantations, which are the major cause of the trouble that persists to this day. So, were the Irish people expected to lie down to Britain and accept this horrible fate forever? I don't think so. Remember Rangers fans have strong links to UVF, UDA, LVF, etc, who are nothing other than drug-dealing, sectarian murderers with NO cause other than the blind hatred of Catholics.
My point is, although I feel Celtic F.C. would be better off without these songs being sung, they are folk songs celebrating freedom against an evil, tyrannical ruler. Rangers fans, on the other hand, sing about people dying in a famine (which Britain had the power to prevent, which they have since admitted and apologised for), about the murder of Catholics, about child abuse, and almost every song has the witty line "**** the Pope" thrown in, just to offend the billion or so followers of the world's biggest religion!
And the amount of times Rangers fans have caused trouble all over Europe and in particular, ironically, their beloved England! The two recent UEFA Cup finals sum it up perfectly - Celtic, 80-100,000 fans in Seville, zero arrests, fair play awards from both UEFA and FIFA, brilliant ambassadors for Scotland. Rangers, 100-150,000 fans in Manchester; well I don't have to tell you the rest.
PS I just read in the Evening Times there about a Celtic fan fighting for life in hospital after being jumped by Rangers fans in Wishaw.
For the record, I KNOW most Rangers fans are decent and normal, all I am saying is that they have a far greater proportion among their ranks who are violent and glorify the most outrageous things when,really, their cause is a phoney one based on hatred for Catholics and all things green.